[CQ-Contest] Dupes/NIL and Scoring?

Milt Jensen n5ia at zia-connection.com
Wed Feb 1 18:27:36 EST 2006

Hi Eric,

More in a message to you later about the Spring visit.

RE the dupes.  We had 96 of them in our log at NA5NM comprising a bit more
than 7% of our total Q count.  We had 98 multipliers.  Nearly as many dupes
as mults.  ?????????

I do not think more than a dozen could have come from the scenario you
propose.  We do know that a goodly quantity in one grouping came from an
erroneous packet spot that gave our run freq. but with the suffix of our
called reversed; ie. NA5MN.

IMHO, there are others who are in the contest casually just giving out Qs
and having a bit of fun seeing who can hear them.  They do not keep a pencil
log, let alone a dupe sheet.

Every time they S & P up and down the band they work whomever they hear with
a good, strong signal and never think anymore about it.

Work 'em, log 'em, and forget about it, I say.  The scoring program will do
as you propose; give you credit somewhere and the others as dupes with no

I will be reporting to Dave, K4JRB, about our situation of the mis-posted
callsign.  I worked enough of them, and those stations logging NA5MN because
did not specifically correct them, that it will apear as a valid station on
the air who did NOT send in a log.  With my notification to Dave, those
stations will get a NIL report, without credit for the Q; which they should.

Milt, N5IA, one of the ops at N5IA

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric Rosenberg" <wd3q at starpower.net>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 1:59 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Dupes/NIL and Scoring?

> Forgive my naive question, as I've not run into this situation before.
> During the CQ160 this past weekend, I was hit with what I thought were way
> too many stations calling me some time after I thought I had worked them.
> This is a result of their calling/working someone *very* close to me that
> I couldn't/didn't hear, while (unfortunately) being synchronized with me.
> My question:  Should I assume the log checkers will deduct points for the
> initial NIL and then accept the good QSO?
> If the answer is to the above is YES, it becomes the justification to
> just work 'em, even if you *think* they're dupes.
> Thanks in advance & 73,
> Eric W3DQ
> Washington, DC
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