[CQ-Contest] Contest identifiers

Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 6 12:33:00 EST 2006

FOC Marathon is NOT a contest, just a  club QSO party. However, we are a bit
noisy! The BW ( Bill Windle) QSO party is held a couple of times a year, and
is open to all who love CW (is there anyone who doesn't?)

Suggest you check http://www.sk3bg.se/contest  ( there are others) for a
calendar and full rules info. etc



I know most of the contester's put out a "cq (insert name) " that readily
identifies the contest,
but some ie. 'FOC' leave one mystified as to which contest is being referred
For the novice contester who might not readily 'click' as to what contest is
being referred to, is
there a list of contest i.d.s that could help?
Steve (VP9HW)

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