[CQ-Contest] Kudos ARRL!

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Wed Feb 8 08:57:05 EST 2006

	I just noticed ARRL's review of the
Yaesu FT9000 Contest in the March 2006 QST:


There have been two very significant changes made in
ARRL's data presentation which are noted on page 5
of the above review.  In brief, they are:

1.  Addition of 2 kHz spaced data for IMD and BDR.
Both IMD and BDR data has been available down to
1 kHz spacings since 1996, but it has been buried
in obscure graphs only in the Expanded Test Reports.
As we all know, even 2 kHz spaced interfering signals
are a luxury in pileups or contests.  2 kHz data is much
more meaningful in the real world, and it's nice to see
ARRL make it more readily available to QST readers.

2.  Addition of transmitted CW sidebands using a
spectrum analyzer.  Again we know of the problems
many transceivers have had with both key clicks
and transmitted phase noise.  These plots will help
us better compare the cleanliness of transmitted
CW signals between transceivers.

	Kudos to both Mike KC1SX and Joel W1ZR
for making these two very welcome additions to the
QST Product Reviews!

				73,  Bill  W4ZV

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