[CQ-Contest] 2006 NA Sprint CW - 3830 Claimed Scores 12Feb2006

mwdink@eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Sun Feb 12 12:27:47 EST 2006

2006 NA Sprint CW - 3830 Claimed Scores 12Feb2006

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: February 18, 2006
Upload logs at: http://www.ncjweb.com/sprintlogsubmit.php
Mail logs to:
  Boring Amateur Radio Club
  15125 Bartell Road
  Boring, OR 97009
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club/Team
Single Op HP
N2NL(@W6NL)        366    48     4     17,568 NCCC #1
W6YI(N6MJ)         360    44     4     15,840 SCCC 1
N6TR               368    43     4     15,824 Corner Pocketeers
K5TR(N5RZ)         349    43     4     15,007 Austin Powers Ranger
K5GA(@N1LN)        330    44     4     14,520 Austin Powers Ranger
N6ZZ               334    43     4     14,362 Azenmokers
W4PA(@K4JNY)       332    43     4     14,276 Southern Sprint Coal
K6LL               336    41     4     13,776 SCCC 1
W4EF(@W6UE)        305    45     4     13,725 SCCC 1
K6LA               315    43     4     13,545 SCCC 1

N6TV               315    43     4     13,545 NCCC #1
K5NZ               306    42  3:59     12,852 Austin Powers Ranger
N2NT               313    41     4     12,833 PVRC/FRC #1
K9NW(@K9UWA)       297    42   4.0     12,474 MRRC
K4XU               296    42  3:55     12,432 
AA3B               283    43     4     12,169 PVRC/FRC #1
AE6Y               290    42     4     12,096 NCCC #1
N4AF               302    40     4     12,080 PVRC/FRC #1
K5OT(@K5NA)        280    43           12,040 Austin Powers Ranger
N4OGW              300    40     4     12,000 Austin Powers Ranger

W4NZ               263    43     4     11,309 Southern Sprint Coal
K3CR(LZ4AX)        269    42     4     11,298 NCC
K4RO               287    39     4     11,193 Southern Sprint Coal
N2NC               263    42     4     11,046 PVRC/FRC #1
N6XI               279    39  4:00     10,881 NCCC #1
KU8E               259    37     4     10,619 Southern Sprint Coal
K3WW               243    43     4     10,449 PVRC/FRC #1
KO7AA              271    38     4     10,298 
K0OU               262    39     4     10,218 Dead Lizards Can't S
K7NV               260    39     4     10,140 NCCC #1

K4FXN              239    41   4.0      9,799 YCCC #1
W0YK               253    38     4      9,614 NCCC #2
K3MD               240    36     4      9,600 PVRC/FRC #1
W6OAT              235    36 04:00      8,460 NCCC #2
K6LRN              208    40     4      8,320 NCCC #2
KN5H               204    36     3      7,344 
VA3NR              209    35     4      7,315 CCO
K8BB               201    36   3.5      7,236 MRRC
N4GG               153    38  2:42      5,814 SECC
K0RI               136    31     3      4,216 Coloradoans

LZ9W(LZ4UU)        106    33     4      3,498 EU LiDz #1
DJ1YFK(@DL0TUD)     49    22   3,5      1,078 EU LiDz #1

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club/Team
Single Op LP
N0AX               258    39  4:00     10,052 Corner Pocketeers
K5AF               238    40  4:00      9,520 Austin Powers Ranger
N4PN               248    38     4      9,424 Southern Sprint Coal
N5DO               247    37     4      9,139 Austin Powers Ranger
W0ETT              212    38     4      8,056 Coloradoans
N7WA               217    37     4      8,029 Corner Pocketeers
W5JAW              210    38     4      7,980 Austin Powers Ranger
K1GU               187    39   3.9      7,293 Southern Sprint Coal
AA4GA              199    36     4      7,164 Southern Sprint Coal
WQ5L               180    34  3:20      6,120 Austin Powers Rustle

K4IU               161    32            5,152 MWA
W6RK               132    32     4      4,224 NCCC #2
NG7Z               127    31   2.5      4,064 WWDXC
K7WA               122    31   4.0      3,782 Corner Pocketeers
AC0W               108    31     4      3,348 MWA
W8WTS              112    28     4      3,136 MRRC
KQ6ES              107    25  4:00      2,650 SCCC 2
WW9R                71    30     4      2,130 Dead Lizards Can't S
K1USC               55    14  2.50        770 SCCC 1
VE3RCN              28    20   3.5        560 CCO

K4NO                 7     5    .1         35 
N5AW                 0     0                1 



Austin Powers Rangers:
  K5TR(N5RZ)           15,007
  K5GA(@N1LN)          14,520
  K5NZ                 12,852
  K5OT(@K5NA)          12,040
  N4OGW                12,000
  K5AF                  9,520
  N5DO                  9,139
  W5JAW                 7,980
  Team Total:          93,058

Austin Powers Rustlers:
  WQ5L                  6,120
  Team Total:           6,120

  N6ZZ                 14,362
  Team Total:          14,362

  W0ETT                 8,056
  K0RI                  4,216
  Team Total:          12,272

Corner Pocketeers:
  N6TR                 15,824
  N0AX                 10,052
  N7WA                  8,029
  K7WA                  3,782
  Team Total:          37,687

Dead Lizards Can't Send CW:
  K0OU                 10,218
  WW9R                  2,130
  Team Total:          12,348

EU LiDz #1:
  LZ9W(LZ4UU)           3,498
  DJ1YFK(@DL0TUD)       1,078
  Team Total:           4,576

  AC0W                  3,348
  Team Total:           3,348

NCCC #1:
  N2NL(@W6NL)          17,568
  N6TV                 13,545
  AE6Y                 12,096
  N6XI                 10,881
  K7NV                 10,140
  Team Total:          64,230

NCCC #2:
  W0YK                  9,614
  W6OAT                 8,460
  K6LRN                 8,320
  W6RK                  4,224
  Team Total:          30,618

  N2NT                 12,833
  AA3B                 12,169
  N4AF                 12,080
  N2NC                 11,046
  K3WW                 10,449
  K3MD                  9,600
  Team Total:          68,177

  W6YI(N6MJ)           15,840
  K6LL                 13,776
  W4EF(@W6UE)          13,725
  K6LA                 13,545
  K1USC                   770
  Team Total:          57,656

  KQ6ES                 2,650
  Team Total:           2,650

Southern Sprint Coalition #1:
  W4PA(@K4JNY)         14,276
  W4NZ                 11,309
  K4RO                 11,193
  KU8E                 10,619
  N4PN                  9,424
  AA4GA                 7,164
  Team Total:          63,985

Southern Sprint Coalition #2:
  K1GU                  7,293
  Team Total:           7,293

YCCC #1:
  K4FXN                 9,799
  Team Total:           9,799

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