[CQ-Contest] K5ZD Audio Archive for ARRL DX CW now available

Randy Thompson k5zd at charter.net
Sun Feb 26 17:02:36 EST 2006

The annotated audio recordings from the K5ZD multi-single operation in ARRL
DX CW 2006 are now available at

This is a great chance for DX stations to see how they sound in New England
and for those in other parts of the US to see how the contest sounds from up
here. There are separate files for each 30 minute segment of the contest. 
There is one file of the contest's best hour (194 QSOs).  

As always, thanks to KM3T for assistance with the audio streaming during the
contest and for web server capacity to host the audio archive.

And thanks to N5KO for joining me during the contest and doing most of the


Randy, K5ZD
k5zd at contesting.com

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