[CQ-Contest] QSL Practices

sawyered@earthlink.net sawyered at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 6 12:41:27 EST 2006

I guess it is time to come out of the closet on this.  I personally, have a hard (check that), impossible time keeping up with the QSL requests for contest Qs through the Bureau.  I have not answered QSLs through the bureau for my home call of N1UR or K8EP unless it specifically says "Need for WAS" or "Need County" or something.  Meanwhile I am 100% on any direct QSLs regardless of postage unless it is an Extra Class call using a post card (the person should know better) and expecting me to Post Card Back.  If he/she needs VT that bad, send an SASE (assuming they know and as an Extra Class ham, they should...).

Meanwhile, I do 100% QSL on all of my DX calls (XX9TEP, PJ2E, C6ARS) through the bureau.  I have probably done 5000 of those in the last 3 years.

Not saying that it is the best, but at least I am being honest....any others want to join me?

I have to say, I feel no obligation to respond to the umpti-umpf'd time I have received one of the mass generated QSLs off of computers of some of the EU contest stations.  Some of them, at least now, say, DON"T QSL back.


Ed  N1UR

If you want a N1UR, K8EP, NV1N, XX9TEP, PJ2E, or C6ARS card, just send me an SASE or 1 IRC.  You'll get one back in a couple of weeks.

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