[CQ-Contest] Comments from a relative newbie that need affirmation

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at ispwest.com
Wed Jan 11 00:04:22 EST 2006


At 07:37 PM 1/10/2006, Bill Coleman wrote:

>I'd wonder if you want AFC on at all when CQing. If more than one
>caller calls you at the same time, what frequency will the program
>tune to?
>You also might have nearby QRM that might cause the AFC to drift away
>from the CQ frequency.
>Would it be better to use a narrow filter and adjust for off-
>frequency callers by using RIT? I've also found that RTTY
>demodulators produce pretty good copy even if you are many dozen of
>Hz off frequency. This is what I've done in my limited RTTY experience.


Your concerns are quite justified. When I'm CQing with AFC on there 
are times when two stations of near equal strength but slightly 
different freqs will call. When that happens I do indeed grab the RIT 
and do the best I can. This is pretty rare, though, maybe once or 
twice a contest. Most of the time AFC does the job just fine. Nothing 
wrong with doing it manually though.

I've never seen nearby QRM cause AFC to drift, but that's probably 
because I use a relatively narrow bandwidth, 250 Hz. If they're 
inside that bandwidth, they're not QRM, they're the next QSO. :-)

Bill, W6WRT

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