[CQ-Contest] Newbie Assimilation

Lawrence Stoskopf stoskopf at tri.net
Mon Jan 16 23:39:21 EST 2006

I may have gotten it wrong, but the excellent PVRC CD compilation might 
indicate that the following comment is not universal.  I could send a clip 
of audio indicating that some feel that you have to "pay your dues" first. 

Personally, I'm a bit lazy in contesting and make more than my share of 
logging mistakes, so do SO so as to not handicap anyone. 


>> I'm not smart enough to put this into words, but there seems to be an
>> attitude with multi-ops where they may need operators, and may even say so
>> in their 3830 story. However, what they mean to say is they want known
>> bigshots or people who are already their pals, not just anyone. I didn't
>> understand that when I contacted a couple of them, now I do. 
> Craig, 
> Not to "cop an attitude", but you're wrong.   
> I know it would be a bit of a "jaunt", but before next contest weekend call
> up Paul, W0AIH, ( http://www.qth.com/w0aih ) and reserve a seat.  The only
> "credential" you'll need is your license and willingness to contribute some
> BIC time ("Butt In Chair").

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