[CQ-Contest] Worst contesting location?

Jimk8mr@aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Jan 18 09:32:18 EST 2006

Never been there or done that, but I'd think that northwest UA0 would be  
pretty bad. You get the same far northern auroral problems as in JW, etc., but  
when the band does finally open, you're still just another callsign from a very 
 common country. And you're still a very long way from any other active  
population centers.
With some very limited, indirect experience, I'd think Japan would be  pretty 
bad.  I was at 9M6AAC for the 1999 CQWW CW, in which there were  significant 
periods in which about all we could work were JAs.  There are  far more JAs 
than hams in all the other countries around there, so those  hours could not be 
very interesting in Japan.  Plus in CQWW you only get 1  point for other 
Asians. I am not surprised by the relative lack of Japanese  activity in recent 
years. If I was stuck in a small, noisy, urban QTH with  little nearby DX 
activity, I think I'd probably give up and find something more  interesting to do as 
I'll accept W7EW's observations on the creature discomforts of South  
Georgia/South Sandwich.
73   -   Jim    K8MR

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