[CQ-Contest] New Category - non-rotatable one element antennas - better than "wires"

Bob Naumann - W5OV W5OV at W5OV.com
Sat Jan 28 19:59:44 EST 2006

The more I think about it, and the more I operate in this category due to
necessity, I think it would encompass a huge number of casual contest

My antenna farm (not much more than a garden really) consists of the

1) Cushcraft R8 vertical - 10 through 40m (excellent antenna BTW - way
better than the R7000)
2) 100' Van Gorden G5RV - covers 80 through 10 - not real good on any band,
but it works OK
3) 160m: 1/4 wave wire, folded around my house, fed against ground

No gain anywhere, but I can work all the loud guys, and some weak ones.  I
call CQ and run people with this simply because I have a lot of nerve.

I suspect that there's a lot of people who have equivalent to my setup, or
worse, and some better.  If you have big trees, you can hang some nice
single element, non-rotatable antennas.

No directional (on purpose) or rotatable antennas.  No phasing systems to
use two of them together etc.

These antennas would typically be simple dipoles (a dipole consists of two
element halves) or a vertical.

What about delta loops?  Excluded?


Bob W5OV

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