[CQ-Contest] Enforcement [was: New category: "Wires only"??]

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 29 08:44:23 EST 2006

> Rules have to be measureable and enforceable and
> trying to specify a gain limitation would be
> but that IMHO... 

It is no more or less enforcable than any other
catagorization in place now.  What if the "line"
between LP and HP is 100 watts?  I've seen reviews
that say a transceiver puts out 104 watts, when the ad
says 100-watts.

I take it out of the box, operate "full throttle" and
submit as LP.  Try enforce that.

Traditional Amateur Radio contests, like the sport of
golf, are games of honor.  Some operators are more
honorable than others.  Consider WRTC to be the
"televised" version that is under a considerably
larger amount of public scrutiny.

On the other hand, ERP-based categorization *can*
work, but only if wrapped into an entirely new playing
system that reveals other things (location [Grid-4 or
Grid-6], actual operator count [1,2,3,etc], real
operating time).  That is an entirely different
thread, though. :)

Ev, W2EV

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