[CQ-Contest] Wires only?
Roger Parsons
ve3zi at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 29 11:54:28 EST 2006
I have to add my voice in support of a 'wires only'
category. Whilst most of the serious entrants have
serious stations, the great majority of amateurs can
only dream of owning any type of beam. This is
particularly the case in Europe where land usage is
generally intense, and where planning laws can be
extremely restrictive. (For example, in England any
permanent free standing structure greater than 3m in
height theoretically requires planning permission from
the local municipality.)
I think everybody can relate to the type of antenna
expected. This does include all band verticals, does
include G5RVs, dipoles and tunable loops. It does not
include rhombics. It does not include my 95' 160m
vertical. It does not include beverages. Surely it is
not impossible to devise some wording to encompass
More to the point, it requires a will on the part of
the contest organisers to include this category, and a
will on the part of the serious competitors to support
and encourage it.
73 Roger
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