[CQ-Contest] NAQP observations

Art Boyars art.boyars at verizon.net
Sun Jan 29 14:50:05 EST 2006

AA4LR (Bill/George) replied to my comment:

"Art Boyars wrote:

>  It's nice to get peoples' names, but some names sure are hard to  copy if the sig is a little weak.

That's part of the challenge!"

(What follows is sort-of facetious.  Please do not think that I am making a big deal out of this.)

So, if a hard-to-copy name is a challenge, who should get more points, the sender or the receiver?  Note the parallels to the recent thread on points for QRP.

And, if it's more of a challenge, perhaps it should be a separate class of entry!

Or maybe we should all change our names to ED for NAQP, so you would not have to think at all.  Note parallels to CQWW.  That should make the rates even better.  

- - - - - - - 
Bill/George also said: "I have been using "Bill" in the CW portion and "George" in the Phone. "Bill" is short and distinctive on CW...  ["George" is] much faster than using Bill on phone."

Well, from my limited experience on SSB, I'd say that "Bill" works fine, if you are as clear and loud as K4XS.

73, Art K3KU

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