[CQ-Contest] Collected list of HQ-stations in IARU 2006

Juha Rantanen oh6xx at sral.fi
Tue Jul 4 14:21:18 EDT 2006

The following  IARU  Member  Society HQ stations are expected to 
participate in this year's event (9-10 July):

3DA5HQ    Swaziland (RSS)
4L0NARG   Georgia (NARG)
4N9HQ     Serbia (SRS)
5Z4RS     Kenya (ARSK)
8N1HQ     Japan (JARL)
8N2HQ     Japan (JARL)
8N3HQ     Japan (JARL)
8N4HQ     Japan (JARL)
8N7HQ     Japan (JARL)
8N8HQ     Japan (JARL)
9K9HQ     Kuwait (KARS)
9M4SHQ    Malaysia (MARTS)
B1HQ      China (CRSA)
B2HQ      China (CRSA)
B3HQ      China (CRSA)
B4HQ      China (CRSA)
B7HQ      China (CRSA)
BV0HQ     Taiwan (CTARL)
CX1AA     Uruguay (RCU)
DA0HQ     Germany (DARC)
EI0HQ     Ireland (IRTS)
GB5HQ     U.K. (RSGB)
HG0HQ     Hungary (MRASZ)
HS0AC     Thailand (RAST)
IU1HQ     Italy (ARI)
IU2HQ     Italy (ARI)
IU3HQ     Italy (ARI)
IU7HQ     Italy (ARI)
IU9HQ     Italy (ARI)
IU2HQ/IC8 Italy (ARI)
JT3T      Mongolia (MRSF)
LU4AA     Argentina (RCA)
LY0HQ     Lithuania (LRMD)
LZ7HQ     Bulgaria (BFRA)
OE50A     Austria (OVSV)
OP0HQ     Belgium (UBA)
OZ1HQ     Denmark (EDR)
P40HQ     Aruba (AARC)
PA6HQ     The Netherlands (VERON)
S580HQ    Slovenia (ZRS)
SN0HQ     Poland (PZK)
TI0HQ     Costa Rica (RCCR)
TM0HQ     France (REF)
YE0HQ     Indonesia (ORARI)
YR0HQ     Romania (FRR)
W1AW/5    USA (ARRL)

Most of the list was collected by YU7CB, thanks Laci for doing the dirty 
work. I updated a couple of entries. If you know some other HQ station 
will be active please let me know by latest on Friday night and I will 
update the list.

Juha OH6XX

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