[CQ-Contest] ENC: Report on WRTC 2006 log checking

Ken Widelitz widelitz at gte.net
Fri Jul 14 15:23:32 EDT 2006

This is a most unfortunate situation. However, the solution is NOT to simply
remove uniques from logs.

There are two solutions to prevent identifying participants:

1. Make the WRTC event CW only
2. Use a standard set of prerecorded .WAV file messages for phone QSOs.

That eliminates the "help a friend, hurt an enemy" situation. It does not
prevent a rogue operator from gaming the system by screwing one or more
unfortunate stations. Removing all uniques only reinforces the actions of
such rogue operator. There could be a mathematical approach that looks at
the rate without uniques, the time wasted on uniques and determine a
percentage reduction, as opposed to a 100% penalty imposed on innocent

With regard to WRTC providing a level playing field, clearly that is the
goal, but that goal has not been reached and probably never will be. From
posts I have read from participants, certain QTHs were crippled by QRN. One
would have thought locations would have been checked for serious QRN. One
location was reported to have mountains in the paths towards the US and EU.
The "luck of the draw" should not have such an affect on the outcome any
more than one rogue operator either trying to help a friend, hurt an enemy,
or game the system.

73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT

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