[CQ-Contest] TCG W1AW/4 HQ Station IARU HF

Ned Swartz K1GU thewalruswaspaul at bellsouth.net
Sat Jul 15 16:48:05 EDT 2006

               IARU HF World Championship

Call: W1AW/4
Operator(s): Tennessee Contest Group
Stations: N4DD, K4RO, K4JNY, K4CM, K4BP, K1KY, K1GU

Class: Headquarters HP (ARRL)
QTH: TN (Zone 08)
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:   266    112    14
   80:   558    293    39
   40:  1229   1047    67
   20:  1735   1549    97
   15:   747    804    65
   10:   253    391    17
Total:  4788   4196   299  Total Score = 6,881,186

It was an honor and a privilege for the Tennessee Contest Group (TCG) to 
operate W1AW/4 during the IARU contest.  We thank Dave Sumner, K1ZZ, for 
giving us the opportunity.  As a medium size club with a large and oddly 
shaped geographic territory (the state of Tennessee,) we faced some 
interesting challenges.  Some of our members live 500 miles apart and 
our membership is not evenly distributed throughout the club territory.  
Most of our members reside in the central to eastern sections of the 
state.  Even so, distances between most member stations easily exceed 
100 miles.

Decisions were made early on to cover both modes on all bands with the 
loudest stations available throughout the full 24 hour contest period 
consistent with a geographic distribution that would maximize club 
member participation.  We achieved that goal and with nearly 9,000 QSOs, 
far exceeded our operating expectations for this point in the solar 
cycle.  Seven (7) operating locations were utilized.  Fifty (50) TCG 
member ops and friends contributed in one fashion or another.  Special 
thanks are given to the families who let us play radio again just two 
weeks after Field Day.

Station List

10 CW:     K1KY     Sumner Co.    EM66    NA
10 SSB:    K1GU     Blount Co.    EM75    4L SteppIR
15 CW:     K4RO     Cheatham Co.  EM66    3/3
15 SSB:    K4JNY    Bradley Co.   EM75    6/6, 4L, 4L
20 CW:     K4BP     McMinn Co.    EM75    5/5, 3L
20 SSB:    K4JNY    Bradley Co.   EM75    4/4, 4L
40 CW:     K4JNY    Bradley Co.   EM75    4L, 2l
40 SSB:    K1GU     Blount Co.    EM75    2L
80 CW:     K4RO     Cheatham Co.  EM66    vert, sloper, Bev.
80 SSB:    K1KY     Sumner Co.    EM66    vert, loop
160 CW:    N4DD     Sullivan Co.  EM86    inv-L
160SSB:    K4CM     Rutherford Co EM65    slopers X 3, Bev.

Operator List

@ K1GU:    +W4HZD, W4PV, KE4OAR, N2WN, AB4GG, KN4Q
@ K4RO:    +WO4O, K4AMC, K3CQ
@ N4DD:    +N4IR, N4DW, N4UW
@ K4CM:    +N4DBG, KI4KZV, N4KN, NB4M
@ K4BP:    +NA4K, K0EJ, KI4ES
@ K4JNY:   +W9WI, K0EJ, W4NZ, KE4MBP

73 TU

For TCG:

Ned, K1GU, TCG 2006 Leader
Doug, W9WI, Project Leader
Ric, WO4O, Project Leader

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