[CQ-Contest] RFSport and the XML effort [was: CQ WW VHF Recap]
Radiosporting Fan
radiosporting at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 18 09:43:20 EDT 2006
--- Pete Smith <n4zr at contesting.com> wrote:
> I'm a little perplexed as to why the XML effort
> "favors HF" - rather than starting down another
> road, perhaps you should show them the error of
> their ways.
Hi Pete,
The RFSport.com scoreboard came first, predating the
first XML scoreboard. I see the XML effort as
improving on the RFSport.com product in many
significant areas!
I never said that the XML effort has "error in it's
ways". Those are your words. In fact, I have openly
advocated the XML team and what they are attempting to
I'm quite at a loss as to the source of your angst,
Pete. :) This is a very cool thing that is happening
(realtime scoreboarding, that is).
Rather than chasing misconceptions in a public forum,
I would kindly invite anyone to try the RFSport.com
Logger in a VHF contest (or HF contest that supports
Grid4's as multipliers). It isn't for everyone, but
it is a component of the future of radio contesting
(of course, it is up to the individual contester as to
if they wish to take advantage of it or not).
Along the way, join the RFSport.com newsletter list.
That is how users learn about developments in the
client AND provide input to its' development. It is
an open list and accessible via the website.
Back to the fun,
Ev, W2EV
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