[CQ-Contest] January 2006 NAQP CW Preliminary Results

Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Wed Jul 19 11:18:47 EDT 2006

The preliminary results of the January 2006 NAQP CW contest are now 
available on the NCJ web site at:

If you believe there is an error in the results, please contact me as soon 
as possible so that the results can be finalized for the NCJ. As you may 
note, a number of logs were reclassified as check logs because the entrants 
indicated they used high power during the contest. All NAQP contests are 
low power (100 watts) or QRP - no high power.

As a reminder, the best way to maximize your score is to receive credit for 
all of your QSOs. To do so, be sure you log your QSOs on the correct band. 
This is particularly important if you have many band changes during the 
contest. Also, be sure that you're familiar with the contest logging 
requirements: the information that must be logged for a QSO in order to 
receive credit. Look at your log before you submit it to be sure it 
contains the necessary information for each QSO. Some contest logging 
software may not produce logs with the necessary info unless properly 

Preliminary results for the January 2006 NAQP SSB contest will be available 
within a week.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

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