[CQ-Contest] The XML and RFSport.com Initiatives
Radiosporting Fan
radiosporting at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 20 08:56:31 EDT 2006
For those who haven't taken the time to understand
what is being discussed (and often misunderstood),
I've put together a brief, "off the top of my head"
project map of the two known realtime scoreboarding
--- Key ---
X = Implemented at at least a "beta test" level
IBO = needs to be Implemented By Others
(blank) = Not a known component of the project
(correction requested, of course)
future = an anticipated future-feature
XML4Results RFSport.com
----------- -----------
A "NASCAR"-like common logger n/a X
Support by existing Loggers IBO n/a
Reporting Protocol X X
Internet-based Score-collection
system (scalable) IBO X
RF-based Score-collection System n/a future
Internet-based Log-collection
system (scalable) n/a X
Data-reporting system n/a X
(both local and web-based)
Data-archiving system n/a X
Data-mining system n/a X
Automated Log Cross-checking n/a future
Automated Log Discrepency Reporting n/a future
Automated Award Generation n/a X (1)
Development Team K1TTT W2EV
(others?) K4HG
User info and feedback hornucopia.com RFSport.com
Note 1: Manual now, automated in the future
Note 2: The RFSport.com initiative should not be
considered to be mature. Works today, but
is constantly being improved. There is a need
for functional volunteers (not just suggestion
makers) in the areas of MySQL and CGI.
Note 3: It is quite possible that RFSport.com may
may adopt the XML work, once completed. With
XML work done by others now, focus is being
placed in maturing other areas.
For the record (yet again), I applaud the XML group's
work! I hope that the information above helps to
dismiss some misconceptions along the way.
Kind regards,
Ev, W2EV
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