[CQ-Contest] IARU controversy

Hershel Kreis hkreis at james-city.va.us
Sat Jul 22 13:28:25 EDT 2006

In reading the many posts concerning the IARU contest two weeks ago, I
have seen a common thread.  That is, the "feeding" of contact to the HQ
stations so that they can achieve the top spot.  Another point that has
been brought up is the contacts with your own country problem.  

A quick and easy solution to this problem would be simply limiting the
HQ stations to, say, 100 contacts and then further contacts would be
zero pointers.  On the other hand, those in the country who make contact
with their HQ station will still get credit.  In this way, we are only
limiting the HQ station from benefiting from the "feeding", yet
encouraging them to make contacts outside of the country to achieve the
top spot.  The hams in the various countries can still benefit from
making contact with their HQ station.  If I remember correctly, the idea
of this contest is to encourage participation.  It is a win-win in both
areas as the "participants" get to still gain contact points with their
HQ and the HQ stations are encouraged to reach outside their boundaries
showing the goodwill of amateur radio throughout the world.



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