[CQ-Contest] 1973 SS CW

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Sun Jul 23 22:34:04 EDT 2006

I would've operated that one from W9YH, the Synton ARC at the University 
of Illinois. I forget exactly what year we moved, but it was either 73 or 
74 that we moved from the basement of an old house with a Zepp antenna up 
maybe 80 feet to the former site of WILL-AM, which gave us two 
free-standing 151-foot towers 400 feet apart to play with. We put a 
tri-bander on one tower and strung a double-extended Zepp between them.  
Now and then we put up other antennas, including a bobtail curtain.

We tried gamma-matching one of the towers for 160 once. It didn't work 
so well.

The club had a Drake line back then, an R4C and T4XC if I remember 

Those were the days! The twin towers are gone now.  :-(

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, 23 Jul 2006, Wayne Wright, W5XD wrote:

> Hm.. that was my very first SS.
> I operated the club station WA1PHF in Watertown, CT.
> The club trustee was Chod Harris, WB2CHO (now SK).
> Unfortunately, I didn't keep copies of any logs and don't
> remember who we worked. My roommate and I operated the CW
> weekend and Chod operated the Phone weekend.
> Wayne, W5XD

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