[CQ-Contest] Unique perspectives

Andrew Faber andrew.faber at gte.net
Mon Jul 24 17:57:08 EDT 2006

Is this a solution in search of a problem?  It seems that the WRTC committee 
dealt with an unusual situation in a creative and appropriate manner.  In 
general, I don't think we want to discourage contesters from working the 
casual guys, nor do we want to discourage someone who just gets on to make a 
few Qs in a contest.
  But we all should actively discourage any practice such as feeding 
callsigns through one station to help (or hurt) someone else's score.  That 
is not in the spirit of fair play.
  73, Andy, AE6Y
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tree" <tree at kkn.net>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Unique perspectives

> Jack writes:
>> By the same view we should outlaw QSOs between contest club members.
>> An argument could be made that since these QSOs result in double
>> points for the club competition, it is unfair to competing clubs. Of
>> course those clubs benefit from the same rule and QSOs between their
>> own members. So perhaps its not such a bad thing since it promotes
>> club growth and participation.
> If a club was trying to achieve a higher club score - why would all of
> their members get on and just work one station?  They would work other
> club members and each other AND they would send in a log.
> My basic premise here is that when you see a significant number of
> QSOs that only worked one station - typically something that "smells
> poor" is going on.  It just isn't natural.  Sure, it happens all the
> time when our uncle gets on and works us - or our cross town friend.
> BUT, when it happens to the point that 10 percent of your log is made
> up of QSOs like this - something has gone wrong.
> Tree
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