[CQ-Contest] Unique perspectives

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 24 18:01:37 EDT 2006

I agree with Tree that although uniques are a part of every contest there is
a limit to reasonableness.  We do not want to penalize those who spend time,
effort and dollars to build a superior station but at the same time contest
statistics show that there is a average for uniques.  If a station or two
exceeed that by some margin then the log or logs should be looked into.

In the CQ WW 160 the average unique is well below 1% so the exception report
is set to 3%.  Further the exception report that shows over 7% uniques
usually causes half of the qsos above that threshold to be subject to
removable.  Three contestants have had their scores reduced (unverified
contacts) and one disqualified.  That station had 51% uniques.

W8JI may work stations in 4L or UA9 which are very difficult from Georgia
but these stations usually end up in European logs.

At least on 160, I find that hams who were enticed to get on to work club
members usually stayed on to appear in several logs.  Its really rare when
they are actually a unique!

73 Dave K4JRB

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