[CQ-Contest] Fw: SO1R and SO2R

Steve and Judy hodgson at cytanet.com.cy
Wed Jul 26 03:49:56 EDT 2006

Subject: SO1R and SO2R

Ok Guys, looks like we all agree that
SO2R has an advantage over SO1R - so what happens next ??

What about looking at Multipliers.

Why is it that in a lot of contests

W/JA/VK/ZL  Zero to 9  are mults

Why not  G/DL/TF/SP/F/LU/ etc
                Zero to 9 as mults also.

Or then again why not just have the DXCC list as mults.

That should even it up a little, as the SO2R advantage on the
3830 scores show  that mults and not Q's are the main reason
for larger SO2R scores.
Which stands to reason as the 2nd radio is mostly used for
picking off mults.

Just an idea.

73  and cu in Tests,   Steve   ZC4Li   etc.

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