[CQ-Contest] Fw: SO1R and SO2R

Peter Voelpel df3kv at t-online.de
Thu Jul 27 18:10:21 EDT 2006

I know of a lot more classes!
like 2 stacks, 3 stacks, 4, stacks, multiple stacks, one each for sea level
locations , one for the valleys, one for the hilltops. Small towers, big,
towers, now towers.
One for the northern part of the country, one for the south hams?
And then the same again for those who beverages, 4, phased ones etc.? And
all that again for those with automatic linears, mono band linears, SB-220s

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of VE5ZX

An SO1R participant is a different class of contestant than SO2R

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