[CQ-Contest] SO1R vs. SO2R

VE5ZX ve5zx at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 30 17:44:22 EDT 2006

> Absolutely correct. What you don't see however, is that when two
> highly skilled operators compete in an otherwise equal situation, the
> two radio setup will win every time, and by a large margin. The
> fundamental advantage is the hardware, not operator skill. Lack of two
> radio skill can be overcome with practice. Lack of a second radio can
> not be overcome by any amount of skill or practice.

Right on! Your experience on RTTY is similar to mine on CW/SSB. I can easily 
add a few mults over the course of a contest without decreasing my SO1R 
performance. Even without skill SO2R has technical advantage over SO1R. The 
difference between the two is not only an additional rig but 20-30 db 
isolation between bands. Like more power and bigger antennas SO2R adds gain 
to your scoring SO1R capabilities immediately. With practice come more 
skills and better scores.


Sylvan Katz - VE5ZX
Saskatoon, SK


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