[CQ-Contest] radio MP vs all

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Fri Jun 2 02:26:35 EDT 2006

Except for the ORION and FT-9000 (maybe the IC7800 also) the FT-1000D
is the ONLY radio that will measure in the 90 dB IMD3DR bracket,
atleast after it has been "slightly" modified.

Whats needed is about 25 diodes, 1 transistor and 3 resistors,
parts cost around 35 dollars or so.
After those mods radio will measure around 88 dB IMD3DR.
If one wants to go wild and spend another 155 dollars you buy
the INRAD roofing filter, however that is ONLY going to buy
you another 2 dB.
With all these mods my FT-1000D measures 90-91 dB IMD3DR.

Perehaps the old MP or the Mk5´s can be "slightly" modified
also but I just haven´t heard about any.

73 Jim SM2EKM

PS: Measurements are close spaced 2 kHz.

W4ZW wrote:
>>I have graduated to the 1000D as my radio of choice now...it is a lot of
> bang for the $$.
> I agree.  I've had just about everything except for the new IC-7800 and
> Yaesu FTdx series, and I keep going back to my FT-1000D as my rig of choice.
> It hears really, really well! 
> I added an outboard Timewave DSP unit a few years ago for the low bands.  I
> still have two FT-1000MP's but I like the FT-1000D better.  I am also one
> who didn't care for the Mark V filter arrangement.
> Jon Hamlet,  W4ZW
> Casey Key Island, Florida
> "A little piece of paradise in the Gulf of Mexico"

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