[CQ-Contest] Montenegro - a new Ham country?

Bernie McClenny, W3UR bernie at dailydx.com
Fri Jun 2 11:24:43 EDT 2006

As far as ham radio (DXCC) is concerned we are all waiting for one of two
things to happen.  Once Montenegro becomes a member of the United Nations
(UN) or the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) officially allocates
a prefix block specially to be used by Montenegro then and only then will it
be added to the DXCC list as a new country.  

So for example if the United Nations were to accept Montenegro as a member
on July 13, 2006 then that would be the official date that they would obtain
DXCC separate status.

My guess is they will get an official prefix, before joining the UN.  Watch
the DX bulletins! :)

Oh...I am not currently subscribed to the contest reflector.

Bernie McClenny, W3UR

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