[CQ-Contest] Icom 746 Pro ATU

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Wed Jun 28 01:20:51 EDT 2006

RF in the shack?  I have a lot of RF in the shack on 40 and the tuner in 
my MkV has a devil of a time at the low end of 40 cw.

73, Jim	VE7FO

VE5ZX wrote:
> For some reason my Icom 746 Pro ATU will not work on 15m when loading a 
> C31XR feed with separate feedlines. The swr is below 1.5:1 from 21000 to 
> 21400 and rise to 2.2 at 21450. The ATU works fine if I try to load the 20m 
> ant on 15m so I presume the ATU is work - at least some  what.
> The impedance of the antenna measured at the rig at the end of feedline that 
> is cut to multiples of lamda/2 on 15m ranges from  50-j1 to 35+j32.
> The ATU works fine on other bands under similar conditions.
> Any suggests why this might be the case?
> tnx Syl
> Sylvan Katz - VE5ZX
> Saskatoon, SK 
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