[CQ-Contest] VE3xx What's your State?

John W2iD w2id at optonline.net
Sat Mar 4 11:56:53 EST 2006

I am pretty weak on 15m & 20m, so I am doing mostly S&P this weekend.

I am completely flabbergasted / dismayed / awed / amused / disappointed /
shocked by the number of DX stations who are asking VE2's and VE3's to
repeat their State. 

Easily 50% of the VE qso's I have tuned across, maybe even 75%.


I can only imagine how frustrated I would be if I were in Canada - because
not only am I not in a State, but the DX stn should already know my exchange
without me even sending it anyway.


All you VE's - make sure to take your blood pressure medication this


73 & happy corntesting,




p.s. Just heard somebody in Europe work WY1MB in the Yukon Territory on 20m.
That's a new one!

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