[CQ-Contest] Packet luck or pot luck?,

Tree tree at kkn.net
Tue Mar 7 05:13:00 EST 2006

>   I worked a station calling CQ on long path 20. WX3B called and asked me
>   to go down a couple. I did that and worked him as my QSO number 77 at
>   2135. He put my call out on packet. At 2210 I lost the frequency to QRM
>   and a changing band by which time I had a QSO count of 165. 
>   77 QSO's and then one packet spot gives me a further 88 QSO's.

Wow - that's a big increase.

I worked the ARRL DX SSB contest from India since I am here on a business
trip.  I had zero answers to any of the CQs I called (didn't really expect
any) and was limited to only working stations who were calling CQ on 20 and
15 meters (was suprised to see 15 meters was actually better than 20 meters
on the first night to the NorthEast).

At one point on 15 - K1KI commented that I was too loud - so I know a lot
more people could have heard me.

I heard one station in Texas giving a report to a European and I am sure if 
I had self-spoted, I could have cleared a hole somewhere and worked a bunch
more stations.  However, it just never crossed my mind.  I just did the 
best I could under the circumstances without any assistance.

Maybe we should divide scores by the # of spots durin the contest.  Yes,
I think that would be a good idea.

I will submit my new record score of infinity points on 3830.

73 Tree N6TR - op at VU2WAP and VU2GRM
tree at kkn.net

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