[CQ-Contest] Real-time score collection

Ken Wolff ken at k1ea.com
Fri Mar 10 11:29:02 EST 2006

 From my end, this is easy. Getting authors of the various PacketCluster 
replacement packages to do something together is another stroy.

- Ken

Jim Idelson wrote:

>I was thinking about the process of collecting and displaying contest scores in 
>real-time, and came up with an idea I thought I'd share with you. This would 
>augment - not replace - the current web-based proposals being implemented by 
>Bruce, Dave and others. It's pretty simple:
>Use the existing packet/telnet network.
>What's required:
>- Packet cluster software needs to implement a few new commands and have access 
>to the contest scores database
>- Contest software needs to generate a score message that goes out over 
>packet/telnet every so often.
>- Contest software needs to be able to retrieve and show leaderboard info.
>Leaderboard information would be submitted and retrieved over the packet/telnet 
>set/contest K1IR ARRLDXCW MS          [call, contest, category] - defines what 
>contest I am in
>set/score ARRLDXCW MS 10                [contest, category, leaderboard update 
>interval (minutes)] - lets the system know what leaderboard I want to track
>score K1IR 555 100 666,777                [call, QSOs, mults, score] - uploads 
>my current score
>sh/score ARRLDXCW MS                      [contest, category] - request for a 
>filtered leaderboard display
>Of course, none of these messages are broadcast to other users. Part of the 
>reasoning behind this idea is to reduce the complexity of submitting scores and 
>viewing leaderboards from DOS-based software. This implementation would utilize 
>packet capabilities already part of CT, TR, etc.
>Jim Idelson K1IR
>email    k1ir at designet.com
>web    http://www.k1ir.com

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