[CQ-Contest] Spotting Questions (wasRe: KA1LMR and opinions)

Mark Bailey kd4d at comcast.net
Sun Mar 12 16:28:09 EST 2006

Jack Brindle wrote:
> How about going the other way? Can an SO post spots to the spotting  
> system without having to be in the assisted category? The station  
> isn't getting any benefit from the spots, although his fellow club  
> members probably are. It is relatively easy to turn off received  
> spots in most logging programs while still allowing outgoing spots.  
> So why would one do this? Specifically to help fellow club members  
> who _are_ running SOA or multi.
> So, illegal or not? And secondly, good or bad form?
> - Jack Brindle, W6FB
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

Hi Jack:

Legal and I see no reason whatsoever that it would be bad form.
In fact, I set up once to do this.  I honestly can't remember
whether it worked or not...it's been a while!  :-)  I think
I was testing during SS for a future assisted effort.


Mark, KD4D

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