[CQ-Contest] TACO Photo in NCJ

Sam Neal n5af at usa.net
Tue Mar 14 00:47:46 EST 2006

Hello Tom,

Did we really wear those plad pants? 

I was at that meeting and my pager went off and I had to leave early or I
would have been in the photo too. Nice nostalgia!


Sam Neal  N5AF

Subject: [CQ-Contest] TACO Photo in NCJ

I've gotten quite a bit of help filling out the "who's who" for the 
photo on Page 25 of the March/April 2006 NCJ. We still need help with 
#6, 14, 26 and 28. I can send you a high rez copy of the photo if you 
need to do some forensic analysis (or if you do not subscribe to NCJ 
- shame on you).

1  K5NW                    11  OZ5DX                21  W5MYA(SK)
2  K6SE                     12  W5ONL               22  K5JS
3  N5AM                     13  K1TN                  23  K5TJ
4  N5CR                     14                            24  N5TP
5  K5NA                     15  K5DEG(SK)         25  K5CA
6  KM5R(SK)?            16  N5JJ(SK)             26
7  K5MA                     17  K5DJ                   27  K5DB(SK)
8  K5TM                     18  K5RC                  28
9  K5WA(SK)             19  K3EST                 29  W5JC(SK)
10 K5KG                    20  W5FO                 30  KZ5KG

Also, please dispute any identities that you think are incorrect.

Tom Taormina, CMC, CQMgr
The Taormina Group, Inc.
370 Panamint Rd. VC Highlands  NV 89521
775-847-7929  FAX  775-847-7930
TT at TaorminaGroup.com

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