[CQ-Contest] not off-topic

py2ny py2ny at arrl.net
Sun Mar 19 20:33:27 EST 2006

Well, almost...
WPX SSB is coming, and after two weekends 
working at my KLM KT34XA I am still lost,
because it's impossible to put SWR in good
levels. I changed all coaxial cables, conectors.
WX0B help me to put 4:1 balun working
ok after being full of water. Even that balun
was changed and back again just for testing
KLM balun - both working on the same
way. Radio is working fine. But no way to
change this SWR figure:
1:1 to 1:3 all 15 m band;
4:1 all 20m band;
5:1 all 10m band.
Everything seems to be ok, but the antenna
was at the top of the tower all the time -
almost no space to work on it at the
The only good news is that I am 40
and (miracle of the miracles) strong enough
to climb 22m high tower 10 times at
each Saturday - but I am really tired!!
If you have any kind of sugestion, please
use my personal E-mail py2ny at arrl.net
Thank you and see you soon...
- Vitor -

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