[CQ-Contest] CQ Magazine

Duncan Lindsay -MSC Valencia- duncan at mscvalencia.com
Mon Mar 20 03:39:04 EST 2006

Dear Albert


I was a subscriber to CQ for several years. Around April last year I started
to have problems and after several months I wrote to Dick Ross by snail
mail. No reply. 


In a post on this reflector late last year regarding CQWW certificates, I
mentioned that it would be nice if I were to receive the magazine as well as
the certs. Rich Moseson wrote to me off reflector asking what the problem
was, I explained it to him but to no avail, no magazine. I did however
receive the renewal notices and other publicity from CQ.


I can only assume that when CQ changed their overseas mailing at the
beginning of 2005 (up until then they used Deutsche post global mail), the
postal people were unable to read the small address label. Previously, a
sheet of white paper was inserted in the envelope and the address was easy
to read, but not any more.


I know that EA5DFV mentioned that he was having the same problem, not sure
about anyone else. I ended up not renewing my subscription.


73 de Duncan EA5ON

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