[CQ-Contest] Sleeping during ARRL DX Contest

Tree tree at kkn.net
Fri May 5 12:43:10 EDT 2006

W4PA writes:

> Tree...I don't think you we're joking here (?) - but anything more than a 1
> hour nap during a major DX contest strikes me as being a huge mistake.  48
> hours straight is even better if the op thinks they aren't going to lose
> anything on Sunday after sunrise from the battle fatigue. 
> My 8P9PA log from ARRL DX CW three months ago shows 379 QSO's in the log
> between midnight and 6 a.m. local time Sunday - this includes 30 minutes in two
> 15 minute stretches where I fell asleep in the operating chair at the key.  379
> Q's/5.5 hours = 69 QSO's/hr.  I think taking a break would have been a major

No - I was serious.

However - 379 QSOs is certainly nothing to sneeze at.  

And - it would appear that there indeed was some competition:

8P9PA(W4PA)       5268   336    45  5,304,096 TCG
P40W(W2GD)        4900   341    40  5,012,000 FRC
HI3TEJ(K7BV)      4776   326    48  4,670,928 
V31PP(OH2PM)      4906   322    45  4,613,616 CCF
CU2A(OH2UA)       4638   294    45  4,003,398 CCF

I guess my perception is out of calibration - as the year I operated, there 
wasn't much competition and things just seemed rather boring.  I felt that 
I wasn't going to make anything close to that back in 1996 - or maybe I was
just tired.   


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