[CQ-Contest] Mobile contesting - not permitted?

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Mon May 8 10:25:48 EDT 2006

> --- Doug Smith W9WI <w9wi at earthlink.net> wrote:
> > ** an attempted rover operation in the January VHF
> > contest was reclassified as a checklog.  Due to 
> > poor conditions and a vertical-only antenna I only
> > succeeded in making contacts from one grid - and
> thus
> > didn't qualify as a rover - but because my station
> > moved more than 500m during the contest without
> > being a rover, I was in violation of rule 3.7.

I was only able to operate from one grid in the microwave sprint this 
weekend.  I was set up in EN51, then planned on dashing off to a hill in 
EN62 north of downtown Chicago (an 80-mile trip).  However, there was more 
activity than I expected and I stayed too long in EN51.  Also, there was 
heavy construction on the Dan Ryan in Chicago and I ended up arriving at 
the new hill at 1:05 pm, just 5 minutes after the contest ended.  

If I'd planned things out a little differently, I would have gone to a 
different hill that would've been a shorter trip.  Oh well, next contest 

I don't know if I can submit as a Rover in this one with activity from 
only one grid square.  At least I made SOME QSO's.

73, Zack W9SZ 

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