[CQ-Contest] 6-Meter Sprint CWAC Results & Certificates
Radiosporting Fan
radiosporting at yahoo.com
Sun May 14 15:30:11 EDT 2006
Thanks to sponsorship of this event by the East
Tennessee DX Association! The 6-meter sprint is now
history. RFSport.com sponsored a "Competition Within
A Contest" (CWAC) for anyone who participated and used
a new realtime scoreboarding system called "Logger".
Thanks to the magic of the Internet, you may see the
results of the 6-meter Sprint-CWAC right here:
The following stations have qualified for RFSport.com
CWAC certificates: (Gold) WZ1V, (Silver) WV2ZOW, N9DG,
KB1DFB, KC2EBH. Those certificates are now available
for download from http://www.RFSport.com.
NOTE: This represents a "Competition Within A Contest"
(CWAC). Please send your entries to the ETDXA to
assure that you have officially entered their
competition as well. http://www.etdxa.org
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