[CQ-Contest] Honk it for ARRL DX CW

Scott Robbins w4pa at yahoo.com
Tue May 23 16:15:40 EDT 2006


I am writing the summary article for ARRL DX CW 2006 for QST and www.arrl.org
at this time, to be submitted in mid-June for August QST and the web.  I am
asking for your contest anecdotes or stories to be included most likely on the
web version of the writeup.  If you'd be interested in writing a few hundred
words on your ARRL CW experience as a sidebar to the article, please let me
know.  While I am always interested in hearing from category top 10 finishers,
some of the most interesting tales often come from those who have not spent all
weekend sitting in the chair - do not hesitate to speak up!

This would also be a good time to submit photos.  Email them to 

w4pa at yahoo.com

Scott W4PA

W4PA Contest Blog - http://w4pa.journalspace.com
What Is Radio Contesting? - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contesting

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