[CQ-Contest] It Is What It Is

K0HB k-zero-hb at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 1 10:12:36 EST 2006

> With the notable exception of K0HB, I can't help but notice that those
> vigorously opposed to any "leveling of the playing field" are those who's
> fields need the least leveling.

All this sentiment for a "level playing field" flies directly in the face
of what competition is all about.
The very essence of radiosport contesting is for each operator/station
designer to do EVERYTHING within the rules to TILT (not level) the playing
field in their favor. If you can develop a skill not widely prevalent
(SO2R, as an example), then more power to you --- you deserve the fruits of
your labors. But someone will come along lobbying that you're being
"unfair" to those who haven't developed the skill. 
If you can improve your antenna farm to gain a 3 or 6 dB advantage over the
masses, then more power to you --- you deserve the fruits of your labors.
But someone will come along lobbying that your tall tower is "unfair" to
those who haven't built their own. Soon someone will rent a clue and decide
that those with longer booms/more elements are also being "unfair", and
there'll be a new lobby against long booms.
If you can improve your receiver over what the masses can buy out of the
box you'll hear stuff that the masses can't hear --- more power to you ---
you deserve the fruits of your labors. But sooner or later there'll be a
lobby against non-stock receivers as "unfair".
Starts to sound pretty ridiculous, doesn't it! I don't want any part of
"level playing field radiosport where anyone can win" --- I want the
advantage to go to excellence in operating skills, excellence in station
design, and excellence in strategy. If you can't compete because you lack
"excellence" in skills or station design, then improve yourself/your
station, and quit crying for rules changes to take away that advantage from
those who have acquired it.
For the logical outcome of a "level playing field", I recommend the
excellent Kurt Vonnegut short story "Harrison Bergeron" at
73, de Hans, K0HB

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