[CQ-Contest] Toughest SS CW sections 2006

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Nov 6 21:40:15 EST 2006

I'm still digesting my logs (as well as recovering my body), but as one who  
tried to work them all four times, here are my toughest (i.e. what I  missed):
>From N8TR  (2100z - 0230z):  MT, NL, PAC, AK
>From AC8E (0300 - 0830)   WTX, WY, ND, NL, NT, PR
>From K8MR (1230-1815, 0205-0300):  NL, VE6, NT
>From K8AZ  (1900 - 0230):  DE
The only section with a single qso was NL, with VO1HE from K8AZ.
>From K8AZ, with 73 sections in the log I was still  needing WMA, VT, ENY, DE, 
SC, MT, and WY.  I ended  up missing DE, but I eventually got two or more of 
all the rest,  except for a single WMA qso with  K5ZD.       
The coolest qso of the weekend was from AC8E, with KL7WV calling in on 80  
73  -  Jim  K8MR
Operator of N8TR, AC8E, K8AZ, and K8MR in CW  SS. 

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