[CQ-Contest] RSGB IOTA Contest - Final Scores

Don Field don.field at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 18:01:01 EST 2006

This is to announce that the IOTA contest results appearing on the website
(see below for URL) are now Final. There have been very few changes from the
provisional results, but there were a couple of logs which were incorrectly

Some interesting stats:

   - This year saw the highest number of submitted logs, well over 1500
   in total, despite being at the bottom of the sunspot cycle.
   - The contest database contains over 440,000 QSOs, of which we were
   able to directly cross-check about 67%.
   - 203 pictures were submitted by entrants and 596 entrants used the
   Geotags facility to show their location on Google maps.
   - Once the provisional results were advised to entrants there were
   12,000 page-views within two weeks, and 375 entrants took time to check
   their adjudication reports (similar to CQWW UBNs).
   - The database will, in due course, be linked to the New Generation
   IOTA Software (coming next year), to allow validated contest QSOs to be used
   as credit towards IOTA awards.
   - We received over 400 logs by the end of the contest weekend.
   Software advances allow us to start adjudication as soon as we start to
   receive logs, so the sooner everyone submits, the sooner the results can be
   available. Submit early! If you don't receive an ackowledgement from the
   contest robot within two hours, try again (but check the acknowledgement
   didn't end up in your Spam folder!).

Here are the main contest URLs:

Results: http://www.iotacontest.com/contest/iota/2006/finalScore.php

PhotoGallery: http://www.iotacontest.com/contest/iota/2006/gallery.php

Soapbox: http://www.iotacontest.com/contest/iota/2006/soapBox.html

Rules: http://www.iotacontest.com

You can also access most of the above, along with info on other RSGB
contests, via the RSGB HFCC Web Pages: www.rsgbhfcc.org

The 2007 contest will be held, as always, on the last full weekend of July,
(28/29th). The rules are not expected to change from 2006.

 Don Field G3XTT (Contest Manager) and the IOTA Contest Team

Correspondence to: iotacontest at rsgbhfcc.org

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