[CQ-Contest] QRM in DX Window

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Mon Nov 20 23:46:39 EST 2006

  Why even bother having a DX window on SSB? During a major contest 75 meters is so crowded that it's hard to hear anyone at all on your own frequency. During CQWW SSB I heard many DX stations (many in EU) operating inside the DX window call CQ and not hear the pileup ffrom the USA calling them because of the QRM in EU. Then they would go and work other EU stations in the "so called"  DX window. Now is that fair ??

All the "real good" low band contesters/DXers know the best way to work DX is for the DX station to transmit outside the US band and listen up split. Even a better way is to work it on CW !!!

Sorry Mal ... call me a LID but if I find any clear frequency on 75 during in SS.. even if it's in the DX window I am going to grab it. Like someone else said it's a "band plan" not a rule and I have the right to operate there
if I'm there first. You can throw out all those band plans during any major phone contest weekend....

Jeff / KU8E

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