[CQ-Contest] SS SSB reflections

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Tue Nov 21 08:34:02 EST 2006

On Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 05:28:49PM +0000, kr2q at optonline.net wrote:

> 3.  Greatest Epiphany:  Realizing just how much entrants/participants use
> SCP (I never use it).   I overheard one conversation where station A was
> debating with station B (who station A was working) about what Section
> station B was in.  B kept telling him one thing but A kept citing what was
> "loaded in the computer."  B stated over and over, I was there LAST YEAR,
> now I'm "here." Station A seemed unwilling to doubt SCP.
> Then I had someone else tell me how long ago it was since "we worked" (a
> long time) in SS.  Now I finally figured why so many guys only want YOUR
> NUMBER, YOUR NUMBER and nothing else...it's all there for them already.
> How disappointing...a long exchange to "test" skill made meaningless by
> so-called technology.  Sort of defeats the whole point, no (unless your point
> is to just "score big" or "win")?

To be fair, while some of what you observed might be because operators
rely on SCP, there is another explanation for why a fill on the serial
number might be asked for more often than the other elements.  One of the
most challenging skills of phone contesting is developing the ability to 
"sync" your brain with a voice signal in the shortest time possible.  When
the other station is weak, has an accent, is not quite on your frequency,
is deep-voiced or high-pitched, you have to start picking it out of the 
noise and QRM immediately.  Often, this syncing process occurs during the 
exchange of call signs, but sometimes (especially if the other station
hesitates and you send them your exchange twice and its now been over 15 
seconds since you last heard their voice), you may still be re-syncing up 
with their voice during the serial numbers portion of their exchange.  There 
are only a limited number of valid precedences, so being synced up and
catching that and trhe rest of the rxchange is easier.

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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