[CQ-Contest] (no subject)

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Nov 24 03:00:16 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Pruett" <k8cc at comcast.net>
> ... What software are you using?  If it is DOS-based
> (CT,TR,NA,SD) then my experience is very poor that
> you will be able to make it work, even while running
> under Windows in a "DOS window".

For information, SD is a Windows program supporting
bit-mapped parallel-port i/o.  It runs in text mode
under any version of Windows, but will not run in a
"DOS window" or on a DOS-only PC. 

SD is compiled with PowerBASIC, who offer both GUI
and text-mode Windows compilers -

Paul EI5DI

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