[CQ-Contest] Assisted or Multiop

K5ZM k5zm at comcast.net
Tue Nov 28 23:44:03 EST 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:cq-contest-
> bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Ward Silver
> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:38 PM
> To: CQ-Contest Reflector
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Assisted or Multiop
> EI5DI wrote...and I appreciate the depth of consideration...
> > Here's some hard stuff not covered by the rules.
> >
> > 1. My buddy calls on 10m to tell me the band is open
> >    to the Pacific - no spots, just general advice.  I
> >    turn the beam and, sure enough, pick up a few mults.
> >    That's single-op assisted in my book. Is it covered
> >    in the CQ definition?  I say "no", because I'm the
> >    only operator.  Others may say it is covered - but
> >    so long as there is wriggle room, some people will
> >    interpret the rules as they prefer - and with a
> >    clear conscience.
> That's not Single-Op Assisted, that's (technically) Multioperator.  The
> definition of "Assisted" in both CQ and ARRL contests is specifically
> limited to spotting assistance, with "spot" presumably defined as a
> identification of call sign, frequency, and time.  "Assisted" category
> not cover all forms of "assistance" - as I discuss in this evening's issue
> of the Contester's Rate Sheet.  Multioperator is the appropriate category
> for someone who receives operating (transmitting or receiving) assistance,
> including general advice, beyond spot information.

Now wait just a damn minute here :) 

If I understand Ward correctly...

Tim enters this hypothetical contest as Single Op Assisted; only to be
bumped into the M/x category just because his buddy pipes up with a little
something extra  beyond the exchange...however well-meaning he may have been
(or however unrequited said "advice" may have been from Tim's POV.)


If I may take this uber-reactionism a step further....

It's the 9th hour of NAQP and W7ABCD -who has opted to go Single Op- is on
40m bangin' out the Qs when K7ABCD calls in, works him and says "Hey, 80m is
hot! Can we try it on 3863?" W7ABCD does need that mult on 80, so he takes
the bait, they make the Q, and now W7ABCD has just become a multiop. 

Please tell me I'm reading too much into this. 

If this kind of stuff keeps up, we'll not want to (or even be allowed to)
fire up our rigs anytime before 23:59:59 for fear of what we might



Ian, K5ZM 

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