[CQ-Contest] spotting report for cqww cw

K1TTT k1ttt at arrl.net
Thu Nov 30 19:39:29 EST 2006

Sorry for the delay getting this out, its just been 'one of those weeks' so
to speak.  Now right to the meat of the matter.

The most spotted stations:
DX	Count	   
5A7A	763	   
HC8N	688	   
TZ5A	520	   
IH9P	299	   
9Y4AA	296	   
EA8EW	285	   
8Q7DV	281	   
CT9L	257	   
ZF1A	246	   
VP5W	218	   
ZL6QH	215	   
TI5N	213	   
Z38N	204	   
The busiest spotters:
Spotter	count
K3LR		569
KC1XX		504
W4DJ		492
W3LPL-4	398
RK9AWN	360
AD6WL		337
OK2PAY	336
NY4A		336
W2CDO		334
WX3B		329
W0AIH		306

Cheerleader report	

Remember how this works.  the number in the 'spots' column is how many spots
the spotter made for that dx station.  the total column is how many spots
the spotter made that weekend.  and the pct is what percentage of spots the
spotter made were for only that one station.

spotter	dx	Spots	Total	Pct
K5TQ		HC8N	70	162	43
WX3B		W3LPL	33	329	10
DL3QQ		CT9L	33	35	94
OK1FHD	OK1DG	23	23	100
K3LP		5A7A	20	22	90
Z32ZM		Z38N	18	37	48
LZ3ND		LZ5A	18	18	100
HA6IAB	HA6FQ	16	16	100
W4DJ		HC8N	15	492	3
UN7QX		UP1G	15	45	33
K7LAY		VP5W	15	15	100

Single spotter spots:

DX	Total	All 		DXSummit
5A7A	763	78(10%)	24(3%)
TZ5A	520	29(5%)	2(0%)
HC8N	688	23(3%)	6(0%)
3G1X	101	20(19%)	18(17%)
8Q7GL	94	16(17%)	6(6%)	non-contest ssb and warc
9J2VB	44	15(34%)	3(6%)	non-contest ssb
VK9AA	145	14(9%)	3(2%)
8Q7DV	281	14(4%)	3(1%)
5V7SE	55	13(23%)	2(3%)	non-contest ssb
5Z1A	134	12(8%)	4(2%)
IH9P	299	10(3%)	1(0%)

now for the quiz for those of you who have been paying attention the last
couple years.... which station above stands out as unusual??

answer below, and you don't even have to turn your computer monitor upside
down to read it...

Right on to dxsummit spots as those look more interesting.

This group of spots for 3g1x stands out in bright red...  even before
comparing ip addresses this group of spots stuck right out, the ip just caps
the story.

CE2WUI-@:	3524.5	CQ CQ...TEST
UT5JFF-@:	3536	CQ TEST	
G3DDR-@:	3536	CQTEST	
K4TPL-@:	3536	TEST	
K7YH-@:	3521	WW	
N6KL-@:	70225	WW	
HLVHW-@:	70225	WW	
HL2HPX-@:	7022	TEST	
DL6BF-@:	21008	TEST	
DF5JN-@:	21011	CQ WW	
PY4GHO-@:	21011	CQ WW	
PY2HW-@:	21011	CQ TEST	
W3BO-@:	210165	Z 12	
DL4HU-@:	21016	Z 12	
F6GIE-@:	28009	Z 12	
UA4HDR-@:	7045	Z 12	
UY5GE-@:	7077	TEST Z 12	
UA4BBT-@:	3555	WW Z 12	
JA2GTC-@:	7054	WW  Z 12	
UR5GGW-@:	21057	TEST  Z 12	
PY4DAP-@:	21075	WW	
OK1UB-@:	21057	WW	
SWL-@:	21057	Z 12	
N4QDN-@:	28012	WW Z 12	
SWL-@:	14059	ZONE 12	

all of them came from ip
OrgName:    SITA-Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques 
OrgID:      SIDTA
Address:    112 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
Address:    Neuilly, 92522 Cedex
Country:    FR

WAIT A GOSH DARN MINUTE!!!  This breaks the self spotting pattern, that
address is from France not Chile!  This one I may need some help on, SITA
EQUANT appears to do some kind of business in Chile, but I can't figure out
if they provide network services there or not and the trace to that IP
doesn't resolve to anything useful.  Anyone know for sure?

Spots for GM0IIO

OM3BA-@:	14102.3
DL6AZ-@:	14102.3
F6IQA-@:	14102.3
LY2CX-@:	14102.3
EW6EW-@:	14102.3
N4QDN-@:	14100.5
N4QDN-@:	14051

The ip from these was which comes from British Telecom...
whew, i thought i was going crazy after that last one... but what is n4qdn
doing spotting chile from france and gm0iio from england?  he sure gets
around quick... oh, wait a minute, qrz says gm0iio is n4qdn presently living
in scotland.
Spots for HI3A

WC4H-@:	7050	
AE4TO-@:	7050	
KG4NTQ-@:	7050	
WA2YWD-@:	1832.6	
WC4H-@:	1833.2	
AE4TO-@:	1858.6	
KG4NTQ-@:	3599	
W2CHM-@:	3599	
W2CHM-@:	3552.7	
OH4RSL-@:	7064.7	
AD4C-@:	14020	
KG4DTQ-@:	14020	

interesting similar comments from different stations.  all from ip which comes back to:
address:      Edificio Orange Calle H Herrera
address:      SantoDomingo
address:      Dominican Republic
Spots for kp4vp (

AE4AB-@:	14036	CQ WW KP4 Land
AB2KB-@:	7060	
AB2EB-@:	7032	KP4 NEW MULT !!!

These were sent from:  which of course comes from:
OrgName:    Puerto Rico Telephone Company 
OrgID:      PRTC
Address:    Ave Roosevelt 1513 7th Floor
Address:    P.O. Box 360998
City:       San Juan

as a new feature... the k1ttt flashback to arrl dx cw this year:

AB5EF-@:	21060		KP4VP	
AB5EF-@:	7034		KP4VP	
AB2KA-@:	7064.5	KP4VP	CQ TEST	
AB5AE-@:	7064.5	KP4VP	
KB2EF-@:	21067.5	KP4VP	

spots for lz5a

LZ3ND-@:	3536.5	go-go Nick
LZ1ZF-@:	3536.5	good signal
LZ3ND-@:	3536.5	LOOCK FOR AS
LZ3ND-@:	3536.5	big one
SWL-@:	3536.5	LOOCK FOR AS
LZ3ND-@:	1825.6	good signal
LZ1ZF-@:	1825.6	loock for ja
LZ3ND-@:	1825.6	qsx 1826 for ja
LZ3ND-@:	7014		go-go Nick
LZ3ND-@:	7014.1	go-go Nick
LZ3GA-@:	7014.1	big one
LZ3ND-@:	7014.1	good signal
SWL-@:	7014.1	good pile-up
LZ3ND-@:	7014.1	go-go
LZ1WR-@:	7014.1	good signal
LZ3ND-@:	7023		good signal
LZ7G-@:	7023		go-go
RS0M-@:	7023		good pile-up
ZS1DF-@:	7023		good signal
LZ3ND-@:	1845		good signal
LZ7G-@:	1845		cq USA
LZ1ASP-@:	1845		CQ CQ
LZ3ND-@:	1845		cq USA
LZ3ND-@:	1845		good signal
LZ7G-@:	1845		last minute
LZ3ND-@:	21004		good signal
LZ3ND-@:	21004		good signal
LZ3ND-@:	21004		good signal
SWL-@:	21004		big one
LZ3ND-@:	21004		go-go Nick
SWL-@:	21004		cq USA
LZ3ND-@:	28019.5	now 6 band
LZ3ND-@:	28019.5	go-go
LZ7G-@:	28019.5	CQ CQ
LZ3ND-@:	14014.8	good pile-up
LZ7G-@:	14014.8	good signal
LZ3ND-@:	7021.3	good signal
LZ7G-@:	7021.3	go-go
LZ3ND-@:	1820		good signal
SWL-@:	1820		go-go

spots from ip,,, 
address:        PT.Com - Comunicacoes Interactivas, SA
address:        Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 40 - 3 - BL A
address:        Forum Picoas - 1069-300 Lisboa
address:        PT
Portugual???  what was going on last weekend??


David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

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