[CQ-Contest] f/B Antenna ratios - reception

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Mon Oct 2 08:51:27 EDT 2006

On Mon, 2 Oct 2006, Jukka Klemola wrote:

> ...
> >Mark Beckwith
> ...
> >>K3MQ
> >> I thought I had done fairly well. Several times near
> >> the end I swept the band and was hard pressed to find
> >> someone not in the log. Afterwards I saw the claimed
> >> scores.  A ham abt 300 miles south of me just cleaned
> >> my clock (1017 q's vs 651).
> >
> >Bob,
> >
> >I really enjoyed reading your post.  It reminded me of back when I got 
> >hooked on contesting.  I had the best time in the 1972 Sweepstakes.  I 
> >worked my butt off and made, I think it was, 71 QSOs.
> ...
> >(1975) the Southern California Contest Club was founded.  I was
> invited.
> >
> >In 1976 I came in 2nd in LAX with nearly 1000 QSOs.  I was
> guest-operating 
> ...
> >(W6RTT) who was guest opping a 
> ...
> >(W6RR), hoping to win it.  Guest operating is a good 
> >way to get louder than you are at home.
> ...
> >Welcome to the game, Bob.  Just love it, keep getting into the fray,
> join a 
> >contest club (if you haven't already), and the rest will take care of 
> >itself.  Congrats on your 651 QSOs.  It takes a serious and dedicated 
> >operator to make 651 QSOs in ANY contest.  Keep it up!
> >
> >Mark, N5OT 
> Mark,
> This cannot be true !
> Can there be someone who has been in this hobby for 35 years and still
> going strong and wants to improve?
> And you claim you have some friends somewhere?
> Can't be true !
> Unbelieveable !
> I do not think this kind of a hobby exists.
> Grin.
> 73,
> Jukka OH6LI

Yes, it's true!  Next April I will arrive at the 40-year mark in ham 
radio.  I think I fit into the above category.

BTW I remember the 1969 Sweepstakes.  I was SOOO excited about having 126 
QSO's.  :-)

73, Zack W9SZ

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