[CQ-Contest] Contesting Extinction

steve.root at culligan4water.com steve.root at culligan4water.com
Sun Oct 8 14:27:31 EDT 2006

> This is where things get difficult for me to understand. Who said
> contesting was all about "winning"? 
> Randy, K5ZD

This is very true. Even if circumstances are engineered to level the playing field (i.e.WRTC) there are still going to be big scores and small scores. There has to be something more to this or most of us would quit. 

I think we're confusing winning with recogition. 

This "21st century" outlook on contest results should be enlightened enough to recognize strong efforts by participants that aren't making Top Ten scores. The ARRL's regional coverage on the Web based reult is an important first step, and I one for appreciate it. 

73 Steve K0SR 

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